sun 28 Apr 21h00 - 2h00 Spring Festival sun 28 Apr 21h00 - 2h00 Spring Festival
sun 28 Apr 18h00 - 20h00 Leprest in mirror sun 28 Apr 18h00 - 20h00 Leprest in mirror
wed 1 May 20h00 - 22h00 Blue Little Penny : Raz de Marais wed 1 May 20h00 - 22h00 Blue Little Penny : Raz de Marais
fri 3 May 18h00 - 21h00 Elisabeth Keledjian Trio fri 3 May 18h00 - 21h00 Free admission Elisabeth Keledjian Trio
fri 3 May 20h00 - 22h00 Tribute to Clifford Brown - Senia Jazz fri 3 May 20h00 - 22h00 Tribute to Clifford Brown - Senia Jazz
sat 4 May 18h00 - 21h00 Marie Salvat & Vladimir Médail sat 4 May 18h00 - 21h00 Free admission Marie Salvat & Vladimir Médail
sat 4 May 20h00 - 22h00 VALERIE MARIENVAL TRIO sat 4 May 20h00 - 22h00 VALERIE MARIENVAL TRIO
sat 4 May 22h00 - 4h00 Ruşan Filiztek Invite sat 4 May 22h00 - 4h00 Ruşan Filiztek Invite
sun 5 May 18h00 - 20h00 Griffith-Gillespie Quintet sun 5 May 18h00 - 20h00 Griffith-Gillespie Quintet
sun 5 May 18h00 - 21h00 sebastien lovato music boox trio sun 5 May 18h00 - 21h00 Free admission sebastien lovato music boox trio
tue 7 May 19h00 - 23h00 Jam Session: The Expats Jam tue 7 May 19h00 - 23h00 Jam Session: The Expats Jam