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1- Quotation validity

This quotation is valid for two months from the date of issue.

2- Billing

Prices are specified exclusive of tax (HT) or inclusive of all taxes (TTC). Their nature (firm or revisable) and amount are specified in the special conditions. Any services requested by the customer in addition to the accepted quotation will be invoiced separately.

3- Payment and Deposit

A deposit of 2500e is due upon signature of the Contract. Any deposit paid will be retained in the event of cancellation less than one month in advance (see V- Cancellation).

The balance of the invoice must be paid by cheque, bank transfer or credit card on the day of receipt at the latest. In the event of non-payment of the balance by the due date, MARCOUNET reserves the right not to allow the Customer access to the privatized areas.

As a penalty clause and in application of legal provisions, any delay in payment will give rise to the application of a penalty equal to three times the legal interest rate, as well as the payment of a fixed indemnity for collection costs of 40 euros (Article L441-6 of the French Commercial Code).

4- Security deposit

In the event of total privatization of spaces, an inventory of fixtures will be carried out before and after the event.

A deposit may be requested from the customer (not cashed). In the absence of damage, MARCOUNET undertakes to destroy the deposit within 15 days of the end of the event. Otherwise, the situation will be discussed between MARCOUNET and the customer.

5- Changing the number of people and spaces

Any change in the number of people taking part in the event must be made within the time limits specified below:

- From 1 to 5 people: 3 working days

- Over 20 people: 7 working days

If these deadlines are not met :

- If the number of participants is lower than announced, the order will be invoiced.

- If, on the other hand, the number of participants is higher than the number announced, MARCOUNET reserves the right to refuse this addition. If the request is accepted, an additional invoice will be issued.

6- Extending the event

Any extension of the event beyond the above-mentioned time will result in additional billing for the following items:

- Vigil and staff: €25 excl. tax per hour and per staff member.

7- Cancellation

In the event of cancellation, the deposit paid will not be reimbursed. The balance of the invoice is due if cancellation occurs after the aforementioned one-week period.

In the event of cancellation due to force majeure (COVID, curfew, etc.) which prevents the event from taking place, the deposit is retained and the event rescheduled to a mutually convenient date at no extra charge, including the following year.

8- Losses and breakages

The customer will be invoiced directly for any loss or breakage of equipment used during the reception.

9- Territorial jurisdiction

The Commercial Court of Paris shall have exclusive jurisdiction, to the exclusion of all others, even in the event of warranty claims or multiple defendants.

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