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December 17, 2023

Les Douces Cordes: Caroline Cartier and Romain Brizemur

12pm - Free admission, reservation recommended

Les douces cordes is a classical guitar duo formed by Caroline Cartier and Romain Brizemur. The duo came into being after several years of collaborating on recordings and creating contemporary works. Gradually, a shared vision of music emerged, particularly in terms of phrasing, rhythm and sensitivity, which led them to delve deeper into the rich repertoire of the guitar duo. Solo recitals, Caroline's passion for dance and Romain's work as a jazzman and composer make this an eclectic duo open to the beauty and depths of all kinds of music.

Romain Brizemur
Romain Brizemur studied jazz and classical guitar in parallel. Initially taught by his father, he continued his "classical" studies with Javier Quevedo at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, where he won prizes in classical guitar, chamber music, harmony and counterpoint. He studied jazz guitar with the inevitable Pierre Cullaz, an absolute reference for many guitarists. He has recorded a dozen albums, including two with Didier Lockwood, and more recently with Claude Tissendier. He is the author of a dissertation on American ciphering.

Free admission Caroline Cartier Caroline Cartier studied at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Départemental de Saint Germain en Laye (78) in the class of Spanish master Javier Quevedo, where she won gold medals in guitar and chamber music in 1998, as well as an advanced prize in 2001. She then met Alberto Ponce, and followed his teaching at the Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris. She was awarded her concert license in 2003. A concert artist for many years, Caroline Cartier performs in France and abroad (Italy, Spain, Germany, Bosnia-Herzegovina), and takes part in festivals in various formations: with violin or flute, in quartet, trio, guitar duo and solo. She has recorded several albums: solo, duo and quartet. Holder of the Diplôme d'Etat de professeur, she teaches guitar at the Conservatoire d'Alfortville (94).


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